TCEC Season 13, Division 1, Game 87 speculation simulation
For ratings using all games in this season regardless of upgrades and also previous season(s) if same version see previous post Output from BayesElo program Rank Player name Points EPoints StdDev ERank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Ethereal 10.81/10.85 15.5 19.16 1.03 1.09 91 9 0 0 0 0 0 2 Chiron S13 13.0 17.00 1.22 2.03 9 81 10 1 0 0 0 3 Fizbo 2 12.0 14.96 1.05 3.08 0 10 75 11 3 1 0 4 Fritz 16.10 9.5 12.78 1.14 5.20 0 0 7 31 24 18 13 5 Jonny 8.1 9.5 12.42 1.04 5.65 0 0 3 21 24 22 18 6 Laser 180818 9.0 12.20 1.20 5.94 0 0 3 17 20 21 21 7 ChessBrainVB 3.70 9.0 11.93 1.07 6.29 0 0 1 11 18 22 25 8 Booot 6.3.1 8.5 11.54 1.20 6.73 0 0 1 8 12 16 23 Situation before game, simulation about most common position 100k simulations, sorted by who has most 1., then who has most >=2., then most >=3., etc.. Columns 1.-8. are how often it ended in simulation at that position. Pos Name 1. 2. 1-2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7-8. 7. 8. 1. Ethereal 10.85 86.517% 13.293% 99.810% 0.190% 2. Chiro...